The Clair Senses Quiz: Discovering the 7 Psychic Senses

Ever have that feeling where you just know something deep down, even without any logical explanation? It's like a whisper in the back of your mind, a hunch that feels undeniable. Or maybe you get a sudden wave of emotion, a gut feeling about a situation that seems to come out of nowhere. Perhaps a seemingly random image pops into your head, a fleeting vision that feels strangely significant. Does it make you wonder, “Am I Psychic?” The answer is yes! We all have this ability. And the following clair senses quiz will help you discover which of the 7 psychic senses if your strongest.

These feelings, visions and experiences could be your clair senses tingling!

What are the 7 Psychic Senses?

These aren't your average, everyday sensations. The psychic senses, otherwise known as the clair senses, are like hidden superpowers waiting to be awakened!

We all have our five physical senses, but we also have clair senses.  These are our intuitive senses.  They’re our physical senses heightened by our intuition.  

Think of them as a secret language the universe uses to communicate with you – a way to tap into knowledge and intuition beyond the five senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. 

Here are the 7 psychic senses and their corresponding sense:

  • Clairvoyant = clear psychic sight

  • Clairaudient = clear psychic hearing

  • Clairalience = clear psychic smelling

  • Clairgustance = clear psychic taste

  • Clairtangency = clear psychic touch

  • Clairsentient = clear psychic feeling

  • Claircognizant = clear psychic knowing

The women in this image are facing each other as they meditate.  They're about to take the psychic ability test. This is a free psychic test and includes a clairaudience test for psychic development.

‘Which of the 7 Psychic Senses Do I Have?’

If you’ve been wondering ‘what type of psychic ability do I have’, wonder no more. I have the ultimate psychic ability test to help you unlock your strongest clair sense.

I recommend printing this quiz out so you can circle which ones resonate with you and so you can easily add them up to see which of the clair senses is your strongest.

Let's dive into the world of the clairs and see which one is your superpower!

(Pssst … looking to take your psychic abilities to the next level? Check out my 90-Day Psychic Development Mentorship Program to fully embrace and implement your psychic ability into your life)

The Ultimate Clair Senses Quiz

How to take the “Am I Psychic” Quiz:

  • Read through each category below making sure to tally up how many experiences resonate with you.

  • The category with the highest score is your strongest clair sense! 

  • Remember, you can have multiple strong clair senses, so keep an open mind and see where the quiz leads you.

Signs you’re clairvoyant (clear seeing)

  • You daydream often.

  • You see clearly how things fit together.

  • You have a deep connection to beautiful things.

  • You have a vivid imagination.

  • You envision plans in your head.

  • Your sense of direction is on point.

  • You have vivid and intense dreams and daydreams.

  • You’re a creative person.

  • You tend to think in images or metaphors.

  • You are a visual person.

  • When you close your eyes, you can see images with your imagination. 

  • When you recall your dreams they sometimes feel vivid and colorful.

Signs you’re clairaudient (clear hearing) Clairaudience test:

  • You talk to yourself often.

  • Sudden inspiration or ideas just come to you.

  • Growing up, your best friends were imaginary.

  • Music makes you feel connected to your soul.

  • People come to you for advice and support.

  • You hear ringing, light buzzing, or high-pitched sounds in your ears.

  • You learn through the auditory channel.

  • You can “hear” animals.

  • You hear whispering, noises, talking, and radio sounds from afar.

  • You hear messages that sound like they were delivered just for you.

  • You’ve overheard voices as you fall asleep like you are eavesdropping on other people talking.

  • You sometimes wake up with a song in your head and the words feel like it may have a message for you.

What is clairsentient? Signs you have clairsentience (clear feeling)

  • You feel drained after being in a large group of people.

  • You have awesome instincts about people, places, and situations.

  • You sense energy in the room.

  • You can immediately tell when someone is having a bad day (even if they’re smiling).

  • You find it difficult to watch the news.

  • Emotional movies leave you in tears.

  • You feel emotions (not your own) randomly, and seemingly without cause.

  • You are super sensitive to your environment.

  • You physically feel other people’s pain (physical and emotional).

  • You and others consider yourself to be a sensitive person. 

  • You have strong gut feelings.

  • You can’t shop at thrift or antique stores because you can feel a mood come over you when you’re near historical items.

Signs you’re claircognizant, otherwise known as claircognizance (clear knowing is claircognizance meaning)

  • You spend your time thinking or writing a lot.

  • You have lots of sudden ideas that you can’t wait to share, often keeping you up at night.

  • You look at new ideas with a skeptical and analytical mindset.

  • You are a creative ideas person.

  • You frequently have déjà vu.

  • You can always tell when someone is lying.

  • You know when someone is genuine and trustworthy, often with no explanation.

  • You are the “answer” person. People ask you to help solve something they can’t solve—a personal issue, a work issue, a logistical issue—anything really.

  • You prefer learning through books or written works.

  • You trust things you can’t see.

  • You know what the outcome of a situation will be before it happens.

  • You wake up right before the alarm clock goes off.

Signs you’re clairalient (clear smell)

  • You have a highly developed sense of smell.

  • You have smelled the signature scent of a deceased loved one.

  • You smell something suddenly that no one else around you can.

  • You have sudden fits of sneezing and you aren’t sure why .

  • You smell things that aren’t physically present around you.

  • You smell things that you can’t identify what they are.

  • You can smell the odor of someone around you (who is presently living) even though they aren’t near you.

  • You have smelled flowers, myrrh, and frankincense when they’re not even around you.

  • You smell changes in the weather.

  • You avoid, or hold your breath, around pungent odors.

  • Smells have an instant effect on you such as making you dizzy or lightheaded.

  • You don’t smoke cigarettes.

Signs you’re clairtangent (clear touch)

  • You’re able to receive information from physically touching an object, person, or animal.

  • You are uncomfortable or overwhelmed in antique shops, second-hand stores, and museums.

  • You have difficulty letting go of old objects from deceased loved ones.

  • Cluttered spaces make you feel uncomfortable.

  • Sometimes when you purchase or receive an object, you feel an immediate need to get rid of it.

  • You can quickly locate missing objects.

  • You have vivid dreams.

  • Second-hand furniture can make you feel emotionally drained.

  • Crowded places make you feel anxious.

  • You get occasional urges to remove certain objects from your living space.

  • You feel sadness when holding old photographs.

  • You feel a flood of emotions when you hold a crystal, rock, or stone, and feel an overwhelming desire to wash your hands after touching them.

The woman in this image took the psychic ability test and clairaudience test. This is a free psychic test. She's about to join a psychic development class with a spiritual psychic to learn clairvoyant readings online.

How to Develop Your 7 Psychic Senses

How did you like this psychic abilities test? Have you discovered which of the 7 psychic senses might be your strongest? Did any of the examples spark a memory or ignite a sense of recognition?

Remember, this is just a starting point!  The more you explore and practice, the stronger your 7 psychic senses will become.

Here are some ways to keep the magic flowing:

  • Pay attention. 

Notice those gut feelings, sudden hunches, and seemingly random images. The universe might be trying to talk to you.

  • Meditate. 

Quieting your mind allows for clearer communication with your intuition and heightened awareness of your clair senses.

  • Journal. 

Write down your experiences, dreams, and intuitive insights. Over time, you might start to see patterns and discover how your clair senses manifest in your life.

Recommended: How to Start a Spiritual Journal: 19 Spiritual Journaling Ideas

Embrace your inner psychic detective, trust your intuition, and see where your senses take you.  You might just be surprised at the incredible ways you're already connected to the universe!

Want to read more about the 7 psychic senses? Here’s another article I recommend.

Brandi Van

P.S. Ready to take your Psychic Development to the next level? If so, book a free 30-minute call with me today so we can enroll you in my 90-Day Psychic Development Mentorship Program for clairvoyance training/clairvoyant training.

“Many people struggle with doubting the validity of their psychic abilities. Through my targeted 90-day mentorship program, I help individuals overcome their self-doubt, allowing them to fully embrace and utilize their psychic gifts. The impact is profound: clients gain confidence in their abilities, learn to live purposefully and with fulfillment, and become empowered to make a meaningful difference in the world.” – Brandi Van


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