Hi, I’m Brandi,
a Psychic Mentor and Medium Mentor
Hello you beautiful soul!
My name is Brandi and I’m a Psychic Mentor and Medium Mentor who helps Highly Sensitive People and Empaths, like you, who are struggling with self-doubt and uncertainty about how to develop psychic abilities.
I know how lonely it can feel when you have psychic abilities and the people around you either don’t believe you, think you’re making it up, or maybe even think you’re crazy.
If other people are making you question, “Am I psychic?” The answer is YES. We all have these psychic gifts.
But other people’s judgment makes you not want to open up about your gifts. And our society doesn’t talk about this subject because unfortunately it’s considered taboo.
If you don’t have a safe space or encouraging and supporting community to open up to, you’re most likely ignoring your psychic gifts or living in fear of them, and feeling lost and alone.
On top of that, you’re searching where to even get started on your psychic development journey. You’re googling psychic training, psychic classes, mediumship classes, and psychic development courses. Because there’s so much to choose from, it’s hard to know where to get started and who you can really trust.
I was in your exact same shoes until I woke up one morning and decided I didn’t want to live like that anymore.
I decided to embrace my gifts so that I could live authentically and not care what other people think of me.
I didn’t want to hide my gifts anymore because they’re beautiful and if people can’t see that, it’s their loss.
After I read a ton of books, took a ton of classes, wasted a lot of money and nothing seemed to be working, I finally searched for a mentor. And with her help, my psychic abilities skyrocketed in just a few short months.
So I encourage you to come out of your “Spiritual Closet.”
Let me be a safe space for you. I’m here to help.
I can teach you what it takes to not be afraid of your abilities, to not be afraid of other people’s judgment, to take control of your abilities, and to develop them fully for your own personal growth and to help others.
I want to be the spokesperson for psychics and mediums so that other people will feel safe to talk about this subject. I want to create an army of lightworkers so that we can change this world.
And I would love if you would join me.
Don’t let another day go by feeling alone. You were brought to my site for a divine reason. Don’t ignore this sign from the Universe.
Book a call with me today here.
I’d love to hear about what you’ve been experiencing, give you my feedback, and hear about what your biggest struggles and challenges are to see if I’d be a good fit to help you on your psychic development journey.
Even if you decide not to purchase any of my services, let me be a resource for you so that you KNOW that you are not alone. I’m here for you.
Here’s my story…
If you had told me 15 years ago that I was not only doing mediumship readings but that I had become a Psychic Mentor and Medium Mentor, I absolutely would not have believed you.
Even though I heard and saw Spirits from a young age, I tended to ignore my gift because I was afraid people would think I was making things up, saying things for attention, or think that I was crazy. If I would have told a doctor or my parents that I was hearing voices, their first thought would definitely not have been that I was hearing Spirits. And I knew I didn’t need medication because I KNEW these voices and visions were Spirits, and not stemming from some sort of mental illness.
Not only was I receiving messages from Spirits but I was highly sensitive to the emotions of other people. I could be in a great mood and then be around someone who wasn’t in a good mood, and it seemed like I would just take on their mood. It was not fun and it was like I was on an emotional roller coaster. It was like their mood blended in with mine and my energy blended with theirs and I had no way of protecting myself from this. I had no control and it made me want to just hide in my room and not be around anyone so that I could feel safe with my own feelings and emotions.
So I kept this secret to myself. I didn’t think there was anyone out there who would understand what I was going through anyway, so why tell anyone about it? And sometimes it was scary and I dealt with the fear all alone. I didn’t know what these Spirits wanted from me, but I would just tell them to leave me alone. I felt that would be less scary than the judgment that would come from telling someone about my gifts. But that also brought on a lot of guilt because I knew these Spirits had messages to give to their loved ones. I just didn’t know what to do.
During my teenage years, I started thinking that I must have these gifts for a reason. But what was I supposed to do with them? And as I went through high school and college, I started to wonder why there weren’t any classes on this subject. I know these gifts must be rare, but I couldn’t possibly be the only one with them, right??
Then I had a profound Spiritual experience in my 20s and I knew in that moment I was not going to ignore my gifts anymore.
My Grandma (Nunny) was in hospice and my family and I were with her as she left this world. We were all holding hands around her bed as she took her last breath.
And as she took her last breath, I literally felt her Spirit rise above the bed. It was like a magnet was in my stomach and it forced me to look up.
When I looked above the bed, I saw the most magnificent colors. I don’t even think they were from this Earth. They were forming a star and beating in and out like a heartbeat. It was so powerful and life changing in just a few short moments.
In that moment, my life changed, because my view of death changed. And I knew in that moment that my gift was beautiful and that I was meant to do something with it.
I knew in that moment that my Nunny was at peace, that she was going on a new journey, that her Angels and loved ones who passed before her were there to welcome her, and that death wasn’t final. I don’t know how I knew, but I knew, and all of a sudden it was one of the strongest things I knew.
I’m not a religious person and at this point wasn’t even very spiritual. But this knowing was so intense that I had to leave the room. Everyone around me was crying and starting their grieving process, but I was going through something amazing. And I knew I’d be talking to my Nunny again.
My cousins thought I left the room because I couldn’t handle the sadness. It took me years to tell them what I had experienced. It’s just a taboo subject, and I didn’t know when an appropriate time would be to tell them what I had witnessed in fear that they wouldn’t believe me.
After that day, I decided it was time to find out what was going on in my mind and how it connected to something bigger than myself in this world. For the next several years, I read a ton of books, listened to podcasts, watched TV shows on psychics and mediums, and took some self-study courses. But all that led me to was disappointment.
The classes I took and the books I read overpromised and underdelivered.
It was like I had some pieces to a puzzle, but since I didn’t have all the pieces, I couldn’t put the puzzle together. I became very frustrated and couldn’t comprehend why it was so difficult to develop my gifts!
That’s when I decided to look for a mentor. And there weren’t any! I was about to give up but then I decided to ask a psychic medium a friend of mine knew if she would take me under her wing.
I’m so blessed that she said yes! She worked with me for about an hour a month for 6 months. And within that short amount of time, my abilities skyrocketed! She knew exactly what I needed because she had been on the path before me.
She taught me how to protect my energy so that I had control over my own emotions. She taught me how to control when Spirits came to me, so they just didn’t decide when they would come. I had control over it. She taught me how to raise my vibration, go through shadow work that needed to be done, and basically just everything you need to know to become a psychic.
Because of her help, I now understand my gifts and I accept myself for who I am. And I am SO. MUCH. HAPPIER. I went from self-doubt to self-trust within a short amount of time and it was a whirlwind of change of who I used to be, full of second guessing myself just a few months prior.
I started to give mediumship readings and gave them for many years. It gave people hope, comfort, and healing in their grieving process and I loved it. But when I looked back at my journey, I realized I could be doing more.
So, I decided to become a mentor for other people who were in the same shoes that I was in years ago. So that I could help them, encourage them, and watch their growth, just like my mentor did for me.
It takes more than a few books, it takes more than a few classes. And whether it’s me or someone else, you absolutely need a mentor. It’s not an easy process but it can be if you find the right person to help you.
It’s way too hard to do it on your own. Trust me I know.
And my mentorship program works.
I’ve seen clients go from second guessing themselves to becoming angelic healers, to stop psychically attacking other people, to controlling their telepathy, to having these gifts help them in their career. It’s been an amazing journey for me to watch my clients’ success!
If I was able to make this change when I felt I was going to be stuck forever, you can too.
If you want, you can talk to my past clients and ask them about their journey with me. I keep in touch with them. I don’t just go away after the 90-day program because I realize things might come up that we didn’t address during the 90 days. So they know they can always still reach out to me.
Feeling confused about your abilities for the rest of your life does not have to be your path.
Change is not always easy but neither is staying stuck. My mentorship program is 90 days and I only recommend working on the exercises in the program for 10-30 minutes a day to change your life.
It’s time to invest in yourself. Once you put the work in, your cup will be overflowing and you’ll be able to help people in a way you never knew you could. And you won’t feel alone or confused anymore. Your personal development and healing journey can start today.
It’s an AMAZING way to live once you’ve developed your ability.
I’m here to tell you, you are worth it.
And you deserve it.
Some fun facts about me -
I’ve been a practicing psychic medium for many years. On a daily basis, I’m just like anyone else! I cook, clean, work, shop, and live my normal everyday life. People don’t even know I’m a medium!
I’ve been in the audience of the Price is Right, and my husband was called down on the stage! Best day of my life. Vision boards work people!
When I visited Toronto Canada, I found there was a flash mob going on so I taught myself the dance online and joined them while I was there. I found out I was the only person that wasn’t from Canada who was in the dance mob and I was interviewed by their local news!
I absolutely love Halloween and have been to many places to celebrate it, including New Orleans, Salem MA and Universal Studios Florida Horror Nights to name a few. I love things that scare me and make me jump out of my skin.
I absolutely LOVE adventure-I’m always looking for new places to go and new things to do. I’ve snorkeled in Mexico and ziplined in Jamaica, and I am a roller coaster fanatic! But I also don’t mind chilling at the beach with a frozen daiquiri in hand. I guess it depends on what type of mood I’m in.
I am not shy, and I am very competitive!
I love to eat. I am a foodie and have been on food tours all over the world-in Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Charleston SC, New Orleans LA, New York City, and I ate until I almost exploded at a Gelato Fest in Florence. It was awesome.
I’m a funny person, I’m always making people laugh because I can find humor in any situation. If you’re looking to not have fun with a mentor, you need to find a different mentor! It’s no fun to be stressed out, so I try make learning as fun as I can.
I’ve been married for over 10 years. I live in Philadelphia, I have 3 dogs, and I grew up in Pittsburgh PA.
Special thanks and much gratitude to my dear friend Miki and my mentor Toni for encouraging me to pursue my abilities and to help others on their spiritual path.
Until we meet, I wish you love and light in all your endeavors. Don’t forget to let your light shine.